How to Shuffle Poker Chips

how to shuffle poker chips

Poker is the game with one of the greatest representations in cinema. Think back to the movies where they appeared and try to highlight some of the most memorable moments. For many players, this moment will be the main character’s shuffling and playing with chips. An easy but effective way to stand out and reduce the tension that appears during the game of poker.

This action may look complicated and incomprehensible when performed by a professional who has done it before. However, there is nothing complicated about it and in this article, we will try to explain to you how to shuffle poker chips.

We will try to quickly explain everything to you, but if you do have trouble, try to film your actions on camera and understand when everything goes wrong, or watch additional videos.

Explanation of How to Shuffle Poker Chips

First of all, learn to sort a small number of chips, almost everywhere it is advised to start with six chips.

  • Divide the chips into two stacks of three in each, if you have the opportunity to make stacks of different colors, do it, this will simplify the action for you. In the absence of chips, you can use coins, but it will be more difficult;
  • Place two stacks side by side on a flat surface in front of you, the surface can be soft at first, and as your skills improve you can start using a hard surface.
  • Bring your hand parallel to the distributed chips, place the middle finger in the center between the two stacks and the rest of the fingers in pairs on each side of the chips to form a rectangle.
  • Lightly squeeze your stacks with your fingers forming a rectangular shape, at the same time pinning both stacks from the bottom with your middle finger.
  • Slowly lift your middle finger, moving the chips and shifting them so that when they fall, they take the necessary position.
  • Done.

Now you know how to shuffle poker chips. Then repeat this action, in front of the mirror, on camera, and try to bring this action to automaticity. When you feel confident, do this action several times looking at something else and not paying attention to the chips.

Shuffling will definitely impress your friends when playing with them, and will be a great trick for bar or small games, but in casinos and poker tournaments this action is so casual that few people will pay attention to it.

The way a person sorts chips can say a lot about the player, whether he is a beginner or a person who devotes so much time to the game that he has learned a trick for it. 

Many professional players answer the question of why they do it almost the same way, a simple way to pass the time while waiting for a new stage of the game, but for some players, this action helps to collect their thoughts and clear their heads from unnecessary thoughts. However, we must not forget about the unique sound that can distract and irritate players who are already on edge after a few bad combinations.

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